Thursday 6 July 2017

The Black Hat

There was a small boy who lived in the deep dark gloomy forest. He lived with his old wrinkly, mute grandma in a wooden old house in the dark forest.

He was going for a walk in the forest. He was a lonely. He found a lost black hat. He was amazed at what he found. The hat was on the brown muddy ground. He always wore the hat every day.

One day he put it on a cupboard. He fell asleep. Then colourful amazing birds and beautiful animals came from the big black hat. He woke and saw it. He was amazed at the animals.
He got them and put them in cages and jars.

One day when he went to look at them one bird was gone.  He went to get the bird. He found it. He began to get the bird but it was in a big brown tree. He didn’t catch it. He went home.

The next day he found two more colourful birds had escaped. He went to look for them and he found them. He begged the birds to come back. He looked up and saw the birds putting on a colourful show.  He knew what to do now. He ran home. He got the jars and let the animals go free. He said “Sorry.”  He was ashamed of himself. The animals did an amazing show.

If you find animals don't keep them in jars. Let them free. The hat was a mystery.