Sunday 13 August 2017

Yes Cats!

Yes Cats!

I believe cats make great pets, and they should be kept.

First all, cats won't give serious injuries. Some cats scratch people but won't make a bad injury like dogs because dogs kill people but cats don't.

Cats will bring prey to its owner to show that the cat thinks they are the same animal. Cats will bring presents, such as mice and birds. Cats will bring ANY animal that was once alive or that is alive.

Cats eat meat, they will eat pests or play with it! Rats and mice are pests, and a cat's prey. Cats crouch down low and waits for its target to move again. It quickly pounces or runs at top speed at its prey and the cat will pick it up and try to kill it.

A cat will use its claws to defend itself. Its claws are sharp and when it pounces its claws will be out as it has its claws in the target.

Also cats like to play. Especially with its prey. If you want to play with a cat, you can grab STRING and make it go up and down for your cat to pounce and chase on. Cats sometimes play with cat toys and even a cat house!

Maybe they should change a woman's best friend to be a cat! Cats are fun and they can keep you company. There are lots of cats that are abandoned from their owners. Help the cats by owning one, taking care of it and have each other by the side.

I love cats, so I hope you enjoy your lovely purring friend. Maybe you can have a pet cat to make cat lovers, like me feel like cats live in the right world.


  1. You have included some interesting reasons to support your argument. I think the last two paragraphs are especially effective!

  2. Great work Micheala
