Wednesday, 1 March 2017

More Who Am I?

I am a 9 year old male.  I’m also a year 5 student in Manurewa Central School.  I can speak more than one language which are Samoan and English.

My eyes are an oval shape and my eye colour is dark brown like dark chocolate.  My height is not quite tall but good for my age and last of all my skin colour is brown like chocolate with a bit of white.

I like sports. My favourite sport is touch because I am fast at running.  I’m good at hiding because I’m always the last one found.  Last of all my favourite colour is dark blue like my t-shirt also my sleeves.

I’m always hungry because my favourite thing is food. I’m also good at rugby. I also like to climb trees.

I have black shiny hair like the dark night sky .  My eyes dark brown like a kiwi fruit skin.  My skin is smooth and soft like a baby's bottom. I also have a strong, athletic body.

I’m good at swimming, kayaking, writing, reading, league,
touch, tag/ripper etc.

I am a really sporty boy and kind. I am tall, strong and fast. When I grow up I want to play rugby league for Melbourne Storm.

I’m a Maori and Samoan boy. I am 10 years old. I was born May 13th 2006. My family is Samoan, Maori and the other half is Fijian a little bit. I think my family is mostly Samoan and Maori but I mainly speak English.

I have brown eyes like mud. I am tan just like colours of a rottweiler.

I like running into beach waves or playing around. I also like sports like softball, soccer, or basketball. In the relaxing time I love to play video games or watch movies.

I am a kind of lazy person or a more relaxed type of person. I’m a lazy person because I am always slouching to do things.

Thank you for reading or listening about who I am.

I am nine and I am a year five girl turning 10 this year. I am in Room 12.  My culture is Tongan and Maori. I was born on the 16 of November 2007. I mostly talk English and Maori. I am trying to learn how to speak Tongan. I have a brother and a half sister and I have 1 mom and dad. I have a lot of cousins and aunties and uncles.The school I go to is Manurewa Central school

I like to play netball and basketball. I like baking muffins.I like singing songs from the movie Moana and other songs.I am good at some of my times tables. I like to play touch because we get to run and have a bit of fun.

I am always nosy and I am sometimes happy because I get to have fun when I am playing with my friends and I get to go to my grandmother's  house and go for a swim. I am sad because my nana Pat died when I was only at the age of eight. We visit her when we go up to Dargaville.  


  1. Nice use of adjectives guys😎.

  2. Nice work john

  3. Nice work you guys you all have very nice work. malachi

  4. Love my writing a little bit just need to work on using speech marks. Dtroyt

  5. 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎 Sweet writing you people.
