Saturday 9 September 2017

King Washington is back.

File:Robot-clip-art-book-covers-feJCV3-clipart.png - Wikimedia Commons     
Just an ordinary day, sitting in bed discovering what I could do. Because I wasn’t those type of people who doesn’t like to do the dishes. I was one of those kids who would just sit around.

But it came to me let's build a robot to do the dishes. But Hmmmm what to name it ahh king Washington should be his name. But you see I never knew how to build a robot. I just never knew what materials I needed. But I always had that one little scientist in the family. It must of been hard for him just because none really listened to him because let’s just say it was really complicated.

But it’s his time to shine as I will be the only one who will listen to him just so I can build this robot. So we went to the hardware store to get steel,metal and wires.
I realised how long it was going to take. Finally 2 days after tedious wiring and machining. Wellah King Washington is built. I guess it’s no dishes for me for a while. I think dad was really at me cause he could hear an anvil smashing at night.  But I had to disguise the robot as me so dad wouldn’t the robot.

Well this is me on break a lazy sack of jelly. But I had fallen asleep. I could hear people screaming. Parents limping from the accident that happened. King Washington had been throwing plates, blowing bubbles,and squirting dishwashing liquid. Legend has it he once squirted a gallon of dish washing liquid at the sun which made the solar eclipse v2.
But let’s get back to the story. “Ahhhhhhh please STOPPPP!” Yelling through my lungs. As I yell my lungs are begging for air. By the time he gets to his hometown Washington DC. President Donald Trump is really fedup as Washington threw plates at the cement wall. But it wasn't an ordinary plate it was bullet proof. So the plate was pretty much indestructable. He threw it so hard that the entire wall collapsed.

But were at the white house so we could call secret service? By the time they came it was too late. Washington was never found. “Waiit! Look there he is over there by the tree standing by some portal thing” yelled Donald Trump “Wait don’t go near it, it is a time machine,” I screamed.

“Get back here Washington DON’T GO IN you dont know whats on the other side.”

(But Washington never listened so he jumped in)

"Come on Trump you have to come with me. I really need your help." “Sorry he’s all yours” said Donald Trump.

So in the portal I went. I hope I'm in the right time. In the slightest corner of my eye I could  see Washington. But another glimpse I could see a dinosaur. But like everyone else's plan mine would be to run.

So I dashed through the jungle/forest as fast as I could because I didn’t have the bare hands to fight the dinosaur. But somehow, someway I needed to find Washington. I could see the metal of his body fading away. But I wasn’t going to give up.

I dodged the dinosaur. But as I dodged the dinosaur I had to speed up to Washington. Finally I could see Washington so I screamed until my lungs couldn’t breathe anymore “Washington you need to come back.” But he never listened. Finally he came back and we went into the portal. Now I can remove his battery. YESSS I got it.

Now I have to hide you in the shed where you won’t cause so much harm to anybody else. Well Washington is packed away and finally everyone was safe.

Now I can tell my teacher the amazing story I had.



  1. It is so good good job from Harleen.

  2. Great job Dytroyt! You did an excellent job! It must of took you a long time to make this lovely story.

  3. amazing paragraph DTROYT I like it

  4. From Avkaran:I like the way that you used descriptive language

  5. Really good writing

  6. I like the way you use different sentences

  7. Awsome king Washington is back story.
    by Lucian

  8. Nice story Detroit Cowely
