Tuesday 19 September 2017

The Toilet Machine

One Saturday afternoon when Lavina was at the sunny beach, she got a shocking call from her mum telling her` to come home straight away and clean out the toilet or she would not get any pocket money for the weekend. She didn't want to go home but she really didn’t have an excuse because she was saving up for an iphone 6. What would she do next?

She went home straight away and angrily stomped into the toilet and started to clean. She wondered if she had a robot that could clean the toilet for her. She went happily into the shed and started to invent a toilet cleaner machine. She stayed up all morning and all night.

How did she invent this you ask? She used mum’s old computer and dad’s plunger. She also used some toilet cleaner and small wheels from her old training bike. Then she put it all together and it was a good design. She couldn't believe her eyes. It was the most brilliant thing she had seen in the entire world. Then she put it into the toilet and went to go see if it worked. “It worked!” she said. Then she sat down and had some time for herself.

Next she watched tv and had a little nap. When she woke up she got a shock of her life. There was an angry crowd coming near her house. Then she realized were had her robot gone. All these people had toilet cleaner things in their eyes. Davina looked around and there was her robot plunging people, splashing people with the toilet cleaner. “Oh no! What have I done?” she said.   It was so sad.

After that she went to go and find it so that it wouldn't hurt anyone anymore. She went around the town looking for it but she could not find it anywhere.

Suddenly, she heard someone yelling “Help me please. A robot is attacking me.“ “Oh no” she said. What am I going to do? She went to go home and see what she can find to stop this robot and see where that voice was coming from.  Then there was another voice and another! She was so confused where to go, she kept on looking and looking everywhere but there was just too many voices so she couldn't keep up.

She finally found her robot and when she was about to turn it off the battery went flat. She was so tired that she could not walk any more so she took the bus home. She got her pocket money and instead of buying herself a phone she bought a servant so she wouldn't have to do chores anymore. 

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