Friday 8 September 2017

Robot Rampage

Every week, day after day after day, there is one job
he really hated doing. Cleaning the dishes!  MUM said he had to or  he will end up with scratches and bruises here and there. He wouldn't want that.

He thinks for minute, “Hmm what should I do. Got it.”  Suddenly he disappears into the garage. Boom, crash, smash!  Everything starts  falling as he grabs everything to build his new invention. Finally it's finished! Booom! Maybe not quite yet, as he saw it covered in a plonk of dust. (Four hours later). “I’m finished!” shouted Richard half asleep.

“Robot start mowing,’’said Richard falling asleep ZZZZZ. Suddenly he’s awake hearing a crowd yelling. Next Richard noticed that the Robot was gone. Smash, crash, bang! Everything was falling. “My house!” shouted the neighbor angrily. “Who is responsible for this mess? yelled the neighbor as Richard hid but really scared.

After all it did not end up they way I expected it to go but it still did the dishes for him in the end.


  1. I like the way you used your imagination
    From Odi
