Friday, 29 September 2017
Thursday, 21 September 2017
Mrs Willowban P.1
She was a dark woman with fangs as sharp as a thousand knives. Every time we played in our yard we heard a strange noise coming from her black, scary house. But little did we know Mrs Willoban was a vampire with super powers.
At night she would walk around in the dark by herself looking like she had just arrived from the dead. But in the day she was nowhere to be found. One day Mrs Willoban was not home, so my brother and I decided to sneak in and see what she has been doing.
When we got inside we saw red marks on the walls. Finally, we reached her room. It smelled like dead rats or like someone had died. When we entered we saw photo albums of her.
We got to the last photo it was a picture of something trying to enter her body. Then we saw a strange thing happening in the photo. She was somehow teleporting! I couldn’t believe what I had just seen.
A few minutes later we heard the door open and footsteps walking down the dark hallway. We were more scared than Steven scaredy cat at our school. Silently we hid under her old, rugged bed hoping that she wouldn't find us. A few minutes later, we heard a smash coming from the kitchen. I started to cry and wanted to go home but there was no escape.
Later on, when it got darker, Mrs Willoban left the house. My brother and I quickly rushed out of the house then ran home. When we got home we were puffed but we were curious at the same time about Mrs Willoban.
That night my brother and I couldn't sleep after what we had seen. Next morning I woke up with a tattoo on my arm written in blood. It said, “I'm coming for you boys!“ Tune in for Part 2, Mrs Willloban’s Revenge, coming soon.
Tuesday, 19 September 2017
The Toilet Machine
One Saturday afternoon when Lavina was at the sunny beach, she
got a shocking call from her mum telling her` to come home straight away and
clean out the toilet or she would not get any pocket money for the weekend. She
didn't want to go home but she really didn’t have an excuse because she was
saving up for an iphone 6. What would she do next?
She went home straight away and angrily stomped into the toilet
and started to clean. She wondered if she had a robot that could clean the
toilet for her. She went happily into the shed and started to invent a toilet
cleaner machine. She stayed up all morning and all night.
How did she invent this you ask? She used mum’s old computer
and dad’s plunger. She also used some toilet cleaner and small wheels from her
old training bike. Then she put it all together and it was a good design. She
couldn't believe her eyes. It was the most brilliant thing she had seen in the
entire world. Then she put it into the toilet and went to go see if it worked.
“It worked!” she said. Then she sat down and had some time for herself.
Next she watched tv and had a little nap. When she woke up she
got a shock of her life. There was an angry crowd coming near her house. Then
she realized were had her robot gone. All these people had toilet cleaner
things in their eyes. Davina looked around and there was her robot plunging
people, splashing people with the toilet cleaner. “Oh no! What have I done?”
she said. It was so sad.
After that she went to go and find it so that it wouldn't hurt
anyone anymore. She went around the town looking for it but she could not find
it anywhere.
Suddenly, she heard someone yelling “Help me please. A robot is
attacking me.“ “Oh no” she said. What am I going to do? She went to go home and
see what she can find to stop this robot and see where that voice was coming
from. Then there was another voice and
another! She was so confused where to go, she kept on looking and looking everywhere
but there was just too many voices so she couldn't keep up.
She finally found her robot and when she was about to turn it
off the battery went flat. She was so tired that she could not walk any more so
she took the bus home. She got her pocket money and instead of buying herself a
phone she bought a servant so she wouldn't have to do chores anymore.
Wednesday, 13 September 2017
Monday, 11 September 2017
Sunday, 10 September 2017
Success Criteria
first sentence has hooked the readers interest:
· Used a sound effect.
· Described a character’s thoughts or feelings.
· Used dialogue
· Jumped right into the action.
new event is organised into a new paragraph
a variety of sentence beginnings
speech marks to show when someone is talking
has been proof read carefully, and punctuation, spelling
and grammar has been checked and corrected.
story is exciting and holds the readers interest!
Saturday, 9 September 2017
The Runaway Robot
It was another hot sunny day. “Jake go and do the dishes!’’ said his dad. ‘’Oww come on dad. Do I have to?” said Jake.
10 mins later. ‘’Jake go and do the dishes’’ said Dad. ”Oww come on,’’ said Jake.
‘’Jake do the dishes again!’’ said Dad. ‘’Are you a magician?’’
‘’I hate doing the dishes!’’ I just had a thought in my head. ‘’I SHOULD MAKE A ROBOT’’ ‘’Be quiet!” yelled dad. I said, ‘’sorry dad’.
So I went to the shed and got out some materials. I found a computer, usa hat and scrubber.Everything was looking just fine but it was a disaster I tried 8 times. Then It start shaking ‘’ MY GOSH IT’S ALIVE.’’
‘’Dad! Dad!’’ Jake said. “Oh what? Dad shouldn't know about this.” “Jake can you do the dishes please?” Dad is in good mood and Jake whispered “Come on Disher Jr you got some dishes to do”.
Jake fell asleep while the robot was doing the dishes. But he had a thought when he fell asleep. “What happens if my dad comes in?” he held that thought.
Jake woke to a surprise. “Hey the dishes are done! I thought it would malfunction. But then he heard a little girl screaming and ran down stairs.”Is that you screaming Dad? ”There is a rampage robot!” “Wait is that my robot?” said Jack “What did you say?” said Dad.”Nothing, robot stop’’ Jake whispered.
“I HAVE TO WASH THE DISHES” said Disher jr.
King Washington is back.
Just an ordinary day, sitting in bed discovering what I could do. Because I wasn’t those type of people who doesn’t like to do the dishes. I was one of those kids who would just sit around.
But it came to me let's build a robot to do the dishes. But Hmmmm what to name it ahh king Washington should be his name. But you see I never knew how to build a robot. I just never knew what materials I needed. But I always had that one little scientist in the family. It must of been hard for him just because none really listened to him because let’s just say it was really complicated.
But it’s his time to shine as I will be the only one who will listen to him just so I can build this robot. So we went to the hardware store to get steel,metal and wires.
I realised how long it was going to take. Finally 2 days after tedious wiring and machining. Wellah King Washington is built. I guess it’s no dishes for me for a while. I think dad was really at me cause he could hear an anvil smashing at night. But I had to disguise the robot as me so dad wouldn’t the robot.
Well this is me on break a lazy sack of jelly. But I had fallen asleep. I could hear people screaming. Parents limping from the accident that happened. King Washington had been throwing plates, blowing bubbles,and squirting dishwashing liquid. Legend has it he once squirted a gallon of dish washing liquid at the sun which made the solar eclipse v2.
But let’s get back to the story. “Ahhhhhhh please STOPPPP!” Yelling through my lungs. As I yell my lungs are begging for air. By the time he gets to his hometown Washington DC. President Donald Trump is really fedup as Washington threw plates at the cement wall. But it wasn't an ordinary plate it was bullet proof. So the plate was pretty much indestructable. He threw it so hard that the entire wall collapsed.
But were at the white house so we could call secret service? By the time they came it was too late. Washington was never found. “Waiit! Look there he is over there by the tree standing by some portal thing” yelled Donald Trump “Wait don’t go near it, it is a time machine,” I screamed.
“Get back here Washington DON’T GO IN you dont know whats on the other side.”
(But Washington never listened so he jumped in)
"Come on Trump you have to come with me. I really need your help." “Sorry he’s all yours” said Donald Trump.
So in the portal I went. I hope I'm in the right time. In the slightest corner of my eye I could see Washington. But another glimpse I could see a dinosaur. But like everyone else's plan mine would be to run.
So I dashed through the jungle/forest as fast as I could because I didn’t have the bare hands to fight the dinosaur. But somehow, someway I needed to find Washington. I could see the metal of his body fading away. But I wasn’t going to give up.
I dodged the dinosaur. But as I dodged the dinosaur I had to speed up to Washington. Finally I could see Washington so I screamed until my lungs couldn’t breathe anymore “Washington you need to come back.” But he never listened. Finally he came back and we went into the portal. Now I can remove his battery. YESSS I got it.
Now I have to hide you in the shed where you won’t cause so much harm to anybody else. Well Washington is packed away and finally everyone was safe.
Now I can tell my teacher the amazing story I had.
The Robot.
When I’m at home it is a hard life doing the lawn mowing because it get’s me all dirty. I decided to build a robot to do the mowing for me so my dad will give me some pocket money.
Next I went to the shed and built a robot named Jeff. The tools I used was an old computer, sharp blades and wires to make it work. I got the remote and pressed the red button. 1 second later kaboom! The robot blew up into a million pieces.
I stayed up all night building the robot. The next morning I took it outside then it actually started to mow the lawn. So I just relaxed and had ice cream.
When my dad got home he checked the lawn and it was soft like a pillow.
I was really nervous because I thought my dad wasn’t going to give me some pocket money.
My dad decided to give me some pocket money. My dad was so pleased we went to the city. Once we got to the sky tower to have some fun and watched some amazing fireworks blow up in the air. The people at the sky tower was amazed.
Me and my dad had a very good day and that was the day that we will not forget.
Laundry Cleaner
There once was a boy called Theo. Every Wednesday he had to wash and dry all of the clothes and fold them. But one day he was talking to his Grandad and he said, “Sunny boy if you don't wanna do the clothes just build a robot”. And if he didn't wash and dry all of the clothes and fold them, he would be deprived of all of his allowance.
So he sneaked and grab some materials to help build his robot from the kitchen he took the drying racks and blow drier. His parents had given him an old computer for his 10th birthday so he used it. From his parents room he had take a motherboard to take to control of the robot if it ever went rogue. Theo thought it's just a laundry robot. He went to work. Ahhhhhhhh after 10 hours he had gotten it to work. ”Yessssss!” The first thing that his parent said to him was, “Do the laundry.” So he went and turned on the machine and went back to bed.
After a while he heard a sound like a crowd of people grunting. He went outside to see all of the laundry that his parents had given him to clean had been thrown all the way to grumpy Joes Shack. You don’t want to wake him up. It had seemed that the robot had gone berserk.
He knew that controller would be useful. Ohhh... he really needed the batteries. Guess he has to take them from dads shaver. “Please work!”
Yes, the remote worked. He was able to control it. Left, right, up, down. “Let's hope my controlling abilities work.” Ding dong, time to take your motherboard out finally. “Theo!” growled dad. ”Do the dishes now or no allowance!”
Human Robot
One day a boy name Jeff was trying to invent an amazing human robot that can do his work and be his bodyguard.
Jeff said, “Hi dad, can you make a robot, a human robot?” Dad said, “Why?” “Because we have a competition at school who can make the best robot.” Dad said, “I don’t know how to make a human robot but go get a book on how to make human robot.”
Jeff read the book and ordered things he needed to make a human robot. At Monday night he got all the things and started making the human Robot. When he woke he saw the work he did last night. When he saw that he just did half the human Robot work. He got up and quietly went outside like mouse.
At Tuesday night he finished the human Robot. When he went school he said to the robot, “Be my bodyguard. Come with me to school, protect me and do my work.Then he was happy.
But one day the human robot was broken. Jeff was crying a lot and was so sad about the human robot. One day his dad said, “Jeff clean the car for me.” Jeff said “Ok dad.” Jeff started cleaning dad and mum’s car. When Jeff was finished he said, “It is better to clean your car.”
Friday, 8 September 2017
Robot Rampage
Every week, day after day after day, there is one job
he really hated doing. Cleaning the dishes! MUM said he had to or he will end up with scratches and bruises here and there. He wouldn't want that.
He thinks for minute, “Hmm what should I do. Got it.” Suddenly he disappears into the garage. Boom, crash, smash! Everything starts falling as he grabs everything to build his new invention. Finally it's finished! Booom! Maybe not quite yet, as he saw it covered in a plonk of dust. (Four hours later). “I’m finished!” shouted Richard half asleep.
“Robot start mowing,’’said Richard falling asleep ZZZZZ. Suddenly he’s awake hearing a crowd yelling. Next Richard noticed that the Robot was gone. Smash, crash, bang! Everything was falling. “My house!” shouted the neighbor angrily. “Who is responsible for this mess? yelled the neighbor as Richard hid but really scared.
After all it did not end up they way I expected it to go but it still did the dishes for him in the end.
Robot Disaster
On the weekend Jakob’s dad told him to mow
the lawn and if he didn’t he wouldn’t get any pocket money. Jakob would rather
work on his invention for the county fair. Jacob‘s invention was a robot
Suddenly, crash, boom! His invention exploded
and he won himself last place. Obviously when you hear this you would want to
participate because the prize is $100,000,000,000 (one billion dollars).
Jacob was so sad when his robot maid exploded.
All of a sudden Jacob had a tremendous idea. Jacob bellowed, “Dad, dad. I have
an idea and I know you will love it.” Dad replied, “What is it Jacob? I’m very
have a new invention it is called mowbot and I’m sure it will be a big help.”
took him all night with no sleep. He needed some scissors, a blender, dad’s
nose hair shaver, some knives, a laser
pointer, some wires and a computer. Imagine having to stay up all night and
work on an invention. But in the morning Jacob was full of energy for some
reason but I won’t worry about that.
One week later Jacob got told to mow the lawn
again so Jacob pulled out the mowbot and turned it on. He had an ice cold juice
and some shades. He sat down and relaxed on a beach chair.
An hour later Jacob woke up to the sound of
people moaning. When Jacob looked to the side his mowbot was gone. He went
looking around his road but mowbot was nowhere to be seen.
Jacob remembered that he put a GPS tracker on
mowbot, so he got on his phone and started to track down mowbot. When he found it, the mowbot had found his way
into people’s houses and it was destroying everybody's property, shaving their heads Bald and destroying their
best clothes!
Jacob was in a lot of trouble for causing all
that chaos so he was forced to destroy his mowbot. Jacob wished he was a real
inventor so his inventions wouldn’t go crazy or explode.
“Dad I have another idea for an invention and
this time it won’t go out of control because…”
“NO! There are two reasons why I don’t want
you making another invention. Reason one we can’t afford for more supplies and
reason two we owe the neighborhood all the stuff that mowbot destroyed!”
It looks like it’s back to mowing the lawns
by hand.
Hami's robot
Hami’s at home and he has to mow the lawn. He needs pocket
money because he’s broke. But he doesn't want to mow the lawn so he creates a
robot that is called Malachi. When the robot is ready, it gets straight into doing
lawns. But Hami falls asleep.
But then he wakes up because he hears a crowd
talking about his robot that he created.
He thought no one knows I’m just in a dream. But he hears it again and he says, “I’m sick
of it, Robot Malachi shut down.” But Malachi still carries on so Hami creates
another invention.
It can tell robots to shut down or stop
doing what it is doing so he uses it on the robot. But it does not work because
he did not put batteries in it. He says “Dagit!”
because he can’t buy any because he has no money because he is broke.
A while later he ran over and pressed the shutdown button
but it is still working so he looks at it and it is in damage mode. He tries to
get damage mode off but it is not working so he tried again but it still did
not work.
Later on that day Hami gave up. He got an explosion devise and put it next to the
robot but it still didn't work so he just put water on it and it finally worked.
It shut down. It was dead. Hami got a wrecking ball and bust the whole
thing down. it was fun but also sad because he spent all night doing it.
Malachi”s Robot ruled the Earth
Once upon a time there was a boy called Malachi. He didn’t like
to mow his lawn so he made a lawn robot that would do it for him.
When Malachi made it the first time, it exploded. He stayed up all night to make a better
robot. In the morning he fell asleep but the robot still cut the grass.
Malachi got $100 dollars
and went to the store and bought some batteries which would last him 1000
years. He spent his money and he had an idea that he should rule the world with
his robot.
When the robot got 50 years he might only have about 500 more
batteries left. Still he can rule the earth and take everyone's money and cars.
Then he will never die because I know that if he is gonna attack Donald Trump
his batteries will not die when he is gonna try to kill him he is gonna try his
When the robot is 99
years old he might be slowly falling down when he goes to sleep. When he wakes up he will be going fast like a flash he might do
the dishes and wash the car. Then after Malachi will go buy more batteries so the robot
can survive.
When Malachi and the robot get older the police might take the
robot to jail and hit him and the robot might be slowly falling down.
Thursday, 7 September 2017
Wednesday, 6 September 2017
Maria and the Invented Robot
Wow! It was a delightful, sunny, Saturday morning. A girl called Maria was getting ready to go to Australia with Trinity her best friend.
Maria hated vacuuming the house. She was thinking about inventions she could make so that she didn’t have to do the job. She started striding out the door and as she slammed it behind her, she could hear her mum calling her back inside. Her mum called her into the lounge and said, “Vacuum the house please for some pocket money.” Maria was broke so she needed to do it for some money.
She had a family vacation to go to but there was no other way she could get there because she had no money. She decided she would do the chores but then she thought in her mind about what she could do so she didn’t have to do it. But her mind was soooo blank....
She hated vacuuming so much that she then decided to use her time up to make an electric robot to do the vacuuming for her. When she could be in Australia in the shed building a gigantic fort to sleep in for the night.
At that moment she had nearly finished making her robot. She used 4 steak knives, a blender, laser torch, bobie pins and batteries. She tried to turn it on but it was not working. She placed it on the ground and then let it go. It then cut out. Oh no! there is something wrong so she took all the parts apart and then built it from scratch.
It was ready to go, she took it into the lounge and powered it on, with all her strength she let it go and watched it suck up all the dirt, crumbs and mess squishing in the carpet. She was thinking about all the time it would take to vacuum the house without having a helpful, fantastic robot to clean for her.
It was becoming night as she was amazed and happy that her invention worked. She put her robot beside her and then layed down with her head sinking into the warm pillow. She snuggled up tight to the blanket and then drifted of to sleep.
It became morning and she was amazed at the sight that laid before her eyes, waking up to rainbows surrounding her. She was wandering what was going on but she couldn’t tell because it was so sunny that every time she glanced around she would get blurred in the eye from the sun and she could not see properly.
Later on she was able to go to Australia so she packed up all her things and got dropped of at the airport. 3 hours later she landed in Awesome, Amazing Australia. She rambled passed the crowd and finally she was at her Aunty Shayla’s house having the funnest time in her life.
Unfortunately Maria needed to go out so she got her things together and then drove to the beach, she did fun things like , running in the sand, swimming in the water, building sandcastles and sunbathing in the terrific sun.
By now she was tired after such a long day, as it was time to go home and rest up. Her surprise was so good. She had the best day ever thinking what it would be like if she was back in her country being bored!!!

Humans Vs Robots
“Ugh, why do I have to clean the car?” Henry complained. “Because you made your friend do it two weeks ago.” Dad explained. “Daaaad…..”
As Henry filled the pail, he fetched the hose and headed outside. The car was really muddy from the road trip Henry and his dad had two days ago. Once the pail was filled with soapy water, he carried it outside on the driveway making a trail of water leading from the faucet to outside.
“You’re cleaning that up Henry.” Henry looked behind him and said, “Oh poop.”
Henry’s dog went barking out to Henry, “Be quiet Charlie, don't you have a bed to poop on?” 2 minutes later… “Charlie that was a rhetorical question.” Henry whined while he was cleaning his dog's droppings off the bed.
When Henry was heading to the car he saw his science project just sitting in the corner looking like her date ditched her for a buy 5 for $2 pizza sale. When Henry looked at it his project he had an idea. “Dad? Can I skip doing the car and make a robot that can clean a car for my homework?” “It’s a win, win you have the car clean and I get my science project done for the summer holiday.” Henry asked.
“Alright son, but the car must be done by tomorrow. *Whow, ouch, what did I step on? CHARLIE*
As Henry ran to his project he jumped on the couch, did a summersault and landed perfectly on the ground, or in reality… Charlie's poop pad.
“Why today?” Henry sighed.
After taking a shower he ran and jumped on the couch and did another somersault and landed on…. No I’m just kidding. He landed perfectly on the ground with sore ankles.
Henry approached his project and started working on this car cleaning robot all day until he was so tired he slept in Charlie's dog bed.
In the morning Henry woke up with a surprise. The robot was perfectly made in the middle of the living room. “Hey, dad who made this robot?”
“Me son. I mean cmon I felt like doing something other than repainting the bathroom.”
Henry was so amazed, without having breakfast he rushed outside with his dog and tested the robot on the car. Henry put the robot in place and controlled it with a remote that his dad made as well with the bot.
Everything was going so fine until… Henry was nudged by his dog and pushed the wrong button, and in a big label saying, “END WORLD, DO NOT PRESS.”
Henry saw what he pushed and he was furious of what was going to happen but excited at the same time. It took a few seconds to make the command sink into its brain, but wait do robots have brains?
The robot turned around and started to walk around the neighbourhood. Henry just stopped and stared. But he didn’t have to wait for long beforeafter the robot broke… Mrs Potts garden! Mrs Potts was the old, hag and the meanest neighbour in the world that Henry HATED so much he would trade her for a big, deafening barn.
The robot went sliding out of Mrs Potts house and headed to the Community Park. Henry tried to keep up with the robot as he panted, “Why did, *pant* dad, *pant* make a button to destroy the world *pant*?”
The robot made his way in the park and started making all the children cry, trip up people jogging by and eating ice-cream that he didn’t pay for. “HEY, THE NEXT TIME YOU EAT ICE-CREAM PAY FOR IT!” Henry tried to use his remote to stop it but nothing happened.
The robot ran out of the park wearing a baby’s bonnet. Henry followed the uncontrollable bot. The robot flew down the street until he reached the city. As the sun was going down Henry didn’t give up and kept on going. Meanwhile at home dad was cleaning the faucet pipe. “Hm… I swear I put my slippers somewhere?” “CHARLIE! THOSE ARE MY SLIPPERS NOT YOUR PLACE TO DO YOUR BUSINESS.”
“Why today?” Henry complained.
The robot was causing so much chaos that the city was burning down, people were screaming and the robot psychopath was headed for the white house. Henry was regretting everything he had done yesterday morning. Gradually Henry was getting closer to the bot and almost had lost his breathe. He ran and jumped on a ice-cream truck and did a summersault off of it landing in a trampoline and on the grass. Henry thanked his gym teacher after that.
As the bot went in the elevator Henry went to the stairs and ran up. When he reached the top where the president was he saw the robot quietly going up to the president and got out a….. Butterknife? The robot was using a butter knife to kill the president. As Henry was getting tired he tried to shout out to the most important person in their country. When Henry tried to shout he gave out a quiet squeal. As the robot was starting to swing the knife something unexpected happened… the batteries died. The bot was inches away from hurting the president and the robot just dropped and shut off.
As Henry went back home he was feeling very exhausted and guilty. He hadn’t even touched the car and Henry’s dad must have been irritated. When Henry saw the car clean he closed his eyes and opened the door. While he closed his eyes he heard his father’s voice,
Henry got really scared and he kept his eyes shut.
“It’s alright son but next time clean the car.” Henry’s dad said. “We can recreate the robot right now if you want I already finished everything I have to do.”
Henry then felt less guilty and more of delightful.
An hour later…
“Nice job son!” Henry’s dad said. “Do you want to get some ice-cream?”
“Okay!” Henry accepted.
When Henry entered the car in the front seat next to his dad they started the car, and backed out from the driveway. As dad was backing up, the car made a unpromising sound. It sounded like a gun had reloaded and broke down as the guy got… um let's stay PG rated for this writing.
“Oh dang it….” Henry’s dad said. “You want to make a robot that makes ice cream?”
“ Dad? I think today was enough chaos.”
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